Sunday, April 26, 2015

Video: Season 6 Death Predictions

Hey guys! If you're like me, you're probably relieved that we didn't have any big, core character deaths in the season finale. This video goes in-depth with some predictions for the next season. Who is most likely to survive, and who will be killed off?

From Atlanta to Alexandria

We all know our group of survivors has come a long, long way. Starting near Atlanta, Rick and his friends have gone through a lot of hardships, found new survivors, and lost a lot of good people along the way. Now that they've finally made it to Alexandria, and it seems they're here to stay (for now), here's what that crazy journey looks like on a map!

Character Analysis: Aaron

Name: Aaron

Pre-Apocalypse: Humanitarian worker

Post-Apocalypse: Alexandria Recruiter & Resident

Traits: Good-natured, generous. Sees the good in people. He can pretty accurately judge peoples' character, which is why he has been given the job of recruiter.

Known Family: Eric (boyfriend)

Character Analysis: Daryl

Name: Daryl Dixon

Pre-Apocalypse: Daryl grew up with his brother Merle in a poor, abusive home. Daryl spent his life following his brother and doing whatever he said.

Post-Apocalypse: Alexandria Recruiter. Daryl has improved greatly as a person, mostly thanks to Carol, and has become one of Rick's most trusted friends.

Traits: Skilled tracker/hunter, selfless although distant from most people. Protective of the group members.

Known Family: Merle Dixon (deceased)

Character Analysis: Glenn

Name: Glenn Rhee

Pre-Apocalypse: Pizza Delivery Boy

Post-Apocalypse: Survivor, Alexandria Supply Runner

Traits: Quick-thinking, loyal, compassionate. Glenn tends to serve as the group's "hope and conscious".

Known Family: Maggie Greene (Wife)

Character Analysis: Morgan

Name: Morgan Jones

Pre-Apocalypse: Other than that he had a wife and a son, not much is known about Morgan's life before the apocalypse.

Post-Apocalypse: Survivor, Rick's friend

Traits: Family man, intelligent, but psychologically damaged since losing his family. He's regained part of his former self and gone to find Rick's group.

Known Family: Jenny Jones (deceased), Duane Jones (deceased)

Character Analysis: Rick

This is the first of several character analysis posts I'll be doing that will look at some of my favorite characters of the show.

Name: Rick Grimes

Pre-Apocalypse: Deputy Sheriff

Post-Apocalypse: Group Leader and Alexandria Constable

Traits: Intelligent, cautious, protective, and headstrong. Natural leader. Sometimes his stubbornness and pride leads to bad decisions.

Known Family: Lori (deceased), Carl, Judith

Video: Season Finale Review

Hey guys!

I'm sharing this video with you just in case you missed the season finale and wish to get a more in-depth analysis than my previous post alone. Check out more of this guy's videos as well!

Season Finale

On March 29th, the finale for season 5, "Conquer", aired.

Our old friend Morgan is ambushed by 2 member of the Wolves, a brutal scavenger group that lives near the Safe Zone. He easily takes them both out with his fighting pole. Deanna decides to hold a meeting that night to discuss Rick's possible exile for his previous outburst. Abraham and Eugene make amends.Glenn follows Nicholas into the woods, where Nicholas attacks and injures him. Gabriel is about to commit suicide by letting a walker kill him, but changes his mind at the last second and upon returning, leaves the safe zone's gate open, letting some walkers inside. Daryl and Aaron fall into a trap set by the Wolves, but are saved by Morgan, who they recruit after learning that he knows Rick. Rick is about to go to his hearing, but notices the open gate and hunts down the walkers that got inside. Meanwhile, the meeting is started without Rick or Pete present. Glenn subdues Nicholas but decides to spare him. Rick drags one of the dead walkers to the meeting, telling the residents that the dead and the living will always find a way inside their walls, and offers to teach them how to survive. Suddenly, a pissed off and drunk Pete shows up with Michonne's sword. Reg tries to calm him down, but when Pete pushes him away, he accidentally cuts Reg's throat, killing him. A hysterical Deanna finally sees the problem that Pete is and tells Rick to execute Pete and he does, just as Morgan, Daryl, and Aaron arrive.

Episode 15

On March 22nd, the 15th episode in the 5th season of The Walking dead, "Try", aired.

Deanna's family continues to mourn the death of Aiden, and we see a video of Nicholas giving a false account of the events that got him killed in the first place. Sasha goes a little deeper into crazy-mode, as Michonne and Rosita find her in the forest hunting walkers like they were game. Aaron and Daryl find some gruesome and dismembered walkers and one with another mysterious "w" carved into its forehead. Carl and Enid, the survivor his age, become friends. Glenn threatens Nicholas for getting Noah killed, prompting him to get a handgun, which happens to be the same one that Rick lost earlier in the season. Rick talks to Deanna about Pete's abusing of his wife Jessie, but she turns a blind eye since Pete is the only surgeon in the safe zone. Taking matters into his own hands, Rick goes to tell Jessie that he will protect her. Pete walks in during the conversation, and a long-time-coming brawl ensues. It ends up outside, attracting the attention of the whole town. After finally beating the crap out of Pete, Rick's crazy side surfaces again as he draws his gun on the bystanders and proceeds to rant. Probably for the best, Michonne cuts his speech short with a quick knock-out punch to the face.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Tensions Rise

The 14th episode in Season 5, "Spend", aired on the 15th of March.

Noah meets Reg, Deanna's husband, for breakfast and asks him to be his mentor. Abraham takes charge at a construction project when a herd of walkers shows up, saving a resident's life and motivating the workers. Glenn, Eugene, Tara, Noah, Aiden and Nicholas go on a supply run to fix the safe zone's power system. The run goes well and Eugene finds the correct parts, but when a zombified soldier attacks Aiden, he accidentally shoots a grenade on it's vest. The resulting explosion knocks out Tara and gets Aiden impaled against the wall. With more walkers closing in and a failed attempt to free Aiden, he tells the rest to leave him. We also learn that he and Nicholas had previously abandoned other supply runners to their deaths. Eugene carries Tara to the van, and distracts a group of walkers surrounding Glenn, Nicholas, and Noah in a revolving door. With the exit clear, Nicholas selfishly pushes through the door, exposing Noah to the rest of the zombies. Glenn watches in horror as they rip him apart. He catches up to Nicholas, knocks his lights out, and throws him in the van. As they're heading back to the safe zone, Gabriel tries convincing Deanna that Rick's group is not to be trusted while Maggie eavesdrops. Carol learns that Pete might be abusing Jessie and Sam, and advises Rick to take action.

RIP Noah, you will be missed!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Settling In

Episode 13, "Forget" sees everyone settling more into the safe zone.

 Rick, Carol, and Daryl discuss sneaking weapons from the armory in case of an emergency. They notice a mysterious "W" carved into a walker's forehead, but its meaning remains unknown. Daryl and Aaron attempt to catch a wild horse, but it is spooked and killed by walkers. A welcoming party is held for Rick's group, and mostly everyone has a good time. Carol nabs some handguns from the armory while everyone's occupied, but is followed by Jessie's son. She tells him that bad things will happen if he tells his mother what he saw. Aaron gives Daryl an unfinished motorcycle and some parts, along with asking him to be Alexandria's new recruiter. Sasha becomes a lookout in the bell tower like she requested. Carol and Rick each take one of the stolen guns, but Daryl decides not to.

Welcome to Alexandria

On March 1st the 12th episode of The Walking Dead, "Remember", aired.

Our survivors have entered the Alexandria Safe Zone, the place they hope they'll be able to call home. Much to their dislike, they were forced to give up their weapons, which would be stored in a warehouse. Everyone is interviewed and recorded by Deanna, the leader of the safe zone. The group is given two extremely nice houses to live in, but Rick still insists on everyone sleeping in the same one for the night. Everyone takes cleans up and Rick shaves his beard.

The next day Tara, Glenn, and Noah go on a supply run with two of the residents, and it is discovered quickly that these people are not as experienced with walkers. Aidan, Deanna's son, almost gets Tara killed due to this inexperience, and leads to a fight. Rick and Michonne break it up and are assigned to be the zone's constables.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A New Adventure

On Feb. 22nd the 11th episode of season 5 aired: "The Distance"

Our new friend Aaron is brought back to the barn where he (attempts to) explains who he is and why he approached the group, just before catching a nasty right hook from Rick. Once Aaron is tied up and regains consciousness, he explains that he is from the Alexandria Safe Zone, a walled community not far away. His job is to find good-hearted, quality survivors to live in the safe zone, and he wants the group to come back with him. After a lot of discussion, Michonne convinces Rick to give it a shot. However, Rick insists on taking a different route than the one Aaron suggests, and after hitting a group of walkers, the two vehicles they take get separated. Eventually the two groups find each other, and the next morning they arrive at the safe zone.

Let's hope this place really is a "safe" zone!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Who's The New Guy?

So last Sunday we met an oddly-clean guy named Aaron. But who is he? And is he good news or bad news? This guy can help us out!


Friday, February 20, 2015

On the Road Again/A Friend

On Sunday, the Walking Dead continued with Episode 10: Them.

The group, having decided that Washington is still the best option they have, sets out. Their journey goes on for awhile with little incident, but their food finding efforts are all coming up dry. A pack of feral dogs arrives, and provides a much needed meal after an intense stand-off. Later, while the group is deciding whether or not to drink some water that "a friend" left them, a violent storm starts up. They all head to a barn that Daryl had found earlier and try to outlast the storm. After a long night of pushing the barn door against a horde of walkers, the group gets ready to set out again in the morning. As they saw when they stepped outside, the main part of the storm, which uprooted entire trees, just barely missed the barn where they were staying. Before the episode ends, a strangely clean man shows up, and says he is "a friend".

Who is this man and is he really a friend, or really an enemy? We'll find out next time!

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Walking Dead: Episode 9

On Sunday the 5th season of Walking Dead continued with episode 9: "What Happened and What's Going On."

 This episode was focused mainly on two characters. The group decides to help Noah reach his former home near Richmond, Virginia. When they arrive, they find the gated area empty and filled with walkers. Noah is devastated, and Tyreese stays with him as the rest of the group searches some of the houses for supplies. Noah runs off to find his former house, and Tyreese chases after him. Rick and Michonne talk about still going to Washington, despite the disappointment of the last attempt. They start to clear the house together, and during the sweep Tyreese is bitten by Noah's brother-turned-walker. He ends up losing a lot of blood, along with suffering from some creepy visions. They fight their way out of the complex, carrying Tyreese in their arms. They make it back to the vehicle and start driving back. After losing massive amounts of blood, Tyreese finally succumbs to the bite and dies. The group stops and gives him a burial.

RIP Tyreese, the nicest person in the entire show! I'll be ready for the next episode this Sunday. I'm looking forward to seeing the group try again to make it to Washington!

Friday, February 6, 2015

If You Don't Know A Lot About the Show

What's up guys!

Today I'd like to just do a quick overview of The Walking Dead for anyone who isn't very familiar with the show. The show revolves around zombies, called walkers. These are your regular, slow-but-deadly zombies. It is only known that the walkers' condition is a virus that turns the newly dead into their zombified state. Our main protagonist (and at times antagonist) is Rick Grimes, a former small town sheriff. The story follows him, his family, and friends and enemies they find along the way. The show's main conflict is shared between this group of friends, other survivors, and the ever-present walkers.

Image from

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Welcome to TV Follower!

Hey there everyone! My name is Evan Dechant, and I'm a Mass Media student at Washburn University. This is the first post of my blog which will be following the AMC t.v. program "The Walking Dead" over the rest of its 5th season, as well as doing a recap of the first half of the season. I hope this blog proves to be an enjoyable and useful resource for fans of the show. I'm always up for discussion about the show or the blog in general, so feel free to comment on my posts!

I will be doing a post outlining the show as a whole, but if you would like to find out more you can visit AMC's official website here.

See you soon!