Saturday, March 14, 2015

Settling In

Episode 13, "Forget" sees everyone settling more into the safe zone.

 Rick, Carol, and Daryl discuss sneaking weapons from the armory in case of an emergency. They notice a mysterious "W" carved into a walker's forehead, but its meaning remains unknown. Daryl and Aaron attempt to catch a wild horse, but it is spooked and killed by walkers. A welcoming party is held for Rick's group, and mostly everyone has a good time. Carol nabs some handguns from the armory while everyone's occupied, but is followed by Jessie's son. She tells him that bad things will happen if he tells his mother what he saw. Aaron gives Daryl an unfinished motorcycle and some parts, along with asking him to be Alexandria's new recruiter. Sasha becomes a lookout in the bell tower like she requested. Carol and Rick each take one of the stolen guns, but Daryl decides not to.


  1. I don't know what's going on since I don't watch this show, but seems to be getting pretty complicated!

  2. ^^^ It does like its getting pretty complicated
