Monday, March 23, 2015

Tensions Rise

The 14th episode in Season 5, "Spend", aired on the 15th of March.

Noah meets Reg, Deanna's husband, for breakfast and asks him to be his mentor. Abraham takes charge at a construction project when a herd of walkers shows up, saving a resident's life and motivating the workers. Glenn, Eugene, Tara, Noah, Aiden and Nicholas go on a supply run to fix the safe zone's power system. The run goes well and Eugene finds the correct parts, but when a zombified soldier attacks Aiden, he accidentally shoots a grenade on it's vest. The resulting explosion knocks out Tara and gets Aiden impaled against the wall. With more walkers closing in and a failed attempt to free Aiden, he tells the rest to leave him. We also learn that he and Nicholas had previously abandoned other supply runners to their deaths. Eugene carries Tara to the van, and distracts a group of walkers surrounding Glenn, Nicholas, and Noah in a revolving door. With the exit clear, Nicholas selfishly pushes through the door, exposing Noah to the rest of the zombies. Glenn watches in horror as they rip him apart. He catches up to Nicholas, knocks his lights out, and throws him in the van. As they're heading back to the safe zone, Gabriel tries convincing Deanna that Rick's group is not to be trusted while Maggie eavesdrops. Carol learns that Pete might be abusing Jessie and Sam, and advises Rick to take action.

RIP Noah, you will be missed!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Settling In

Episode 13, "Forget" sees everyone settling more into the safe zone.

 Rick, Carol, and Daryl discuss sneaking weapons from the armory in case of an emergency. They notice a mysterious "W" carved into a walker's forehead, but its meaning remains unknown. Daryl and Aaron attempt to catch a wild horse, but it is spooked and killed by walkers. A welcoming party is held for Rick's group, and mostly everyone has a good time. Carol nabs some handguns from the armory while everyone's occupied, but is followed by Jessie's son. She tells him that bad things will happen if he tells his mother what he saw. Aaron gives Daryl an unfinished motorcycle and some parts, along with asking him to be Alexandria's new recruiter. Sasha becomes a lookout in the bell tower like she requested. Carol and Rick each take one of the stolen guns, but Daryl decides not to.

Welcome to Alexandria

On March 1st the 12th episode of The Walking Dead, "Remember", aired.

Our survivors have entered the Alexandria Safe Zone, the place they hope they'll be able to call home. Much to their dislike, they were forced to give up their weapons, which would be stored in a warehouse. Everyone is interviewed and recorded by Deanna, the leader of the safe zone. The group is given two extremely nice houses to live in, but Rick still insists on everyone sleeping in the same one for the night. Everyone takes cleans up and Rick shaves his beard.

The next day Tara, Glenn, and Noah go on a supply run with two of the residents, and it is discovered quickly that these people are not as experienced with walkers. Aidan, Deanna's son, almost gets Tara killed due to this inexperience, and leads to a fight. Rick and Michonne break it up and are assigned to be the zone's constables.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A New Adventure

On Feb. 22nd the 11th episode of season 5 aired: "The Distance"

Our new friend Aaron is brought back to the barn where he (attempts to) explains who he is and why he approached the group, just before catching a nasty right hook from Rick. Once Aaron is tied up and regains consciousness, he explains that he is from the Alexandria Safe Zone, a walled community not far away. His job is to find good-hearted, quality survivors to live in the safe zone, and he wants the group to come back with him. After a lot of discussion, Michonne convinces Rick to give it a shot. However, Rick insists on taking a different route than the one Aaron suggests, and after hitting a group of walkers, the two vehicles they take get separated. Eventually the two groups find each other, and the next morning they arrive at the safe zone.

Let's hope this place really is a "safe" zone!